Optimizing energy consumption for robot navigation in fields requires energy-cost maps. However, obtaining such a map is still challenging, especially for large, uneven terrains. Physics-based energy models work for uniform, flat surfaces but do not generalize well to these terrains. Furthermore, slopes make the energy consumption at every location directional and add to the complexity of data collection and energy prediction. In this paper, we address these challenges in a data-driven manner. We consider a function which takes terrain geometry and robot motion direction as input and outputs expected energy consumption. The function is represented as a ResNet-based neural network whose parameters are learned from field-collected data. The prediction accuracy of our method is within 12% of the ground truth in our test environments that are unseen during training. We compare our method to a baseline method in the literature: a method using a basic physics-based model. We demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms it by more than 10% measured by the prediction error. More importantly, our method generalizes better when applied to test data from new environments with various slope angles and navigation directions.
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视觉宣传活动的挑战性输入设置之一是,当初始摄像头视图相距甚远时。这样的设置很困难,因为宽的基线会导致物体外观发生巨大变化并引起阻塞。本文为宽基线图像提供了一种新颖的自我监督的视觉伺服伺服方法,这不需要3D地面真相监督。回归绝对相机相对于对象的现有方法需要以3D边界框或网格的形式的对象的3D地面真实数据。我们通过利用称为3D均衡的几何特性来了解连贯的视觉表示形式 - 表示表示作为3D转换的函数以可预测的方式进行转换。为了确保功能空间忠实于基础的大地测量空间,地球保留的约束与均衡相结合。我们设计了一个暹罗网络,该网络可以有效地强制执行这两个几何特性,而无需3D监督。借助学习的模型,可以简单地通过在学习空间中的梯度并用作闭环视觉陶器的反馈来推断相对转换。我们的方法对来自YCB数据集的对象进行了评估,在使用3D监督的最新方法方面显示了视觉伺服任务上有意义的超越性能或对象对齐任务。我们的平均距离误差降低超过35%,成功率超过90%,误差耐受性。
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从现实世界中的图像(例如果园)中估算出准确可靠的水果和蔬菜计数,这是一个充满挑战的问题,最近引起了最近的关注。收获前估算水果计数为物流规划提供了有用的信息。尽管在水果检测方面已取得了很大进展,但估计实际计数仍然具有挑战性。实际上,水果通常聚集在一起。因此,仅检测水果的方法无法提供一般解决方案来估计准确的水果计数。此外,在园艺研究中,而不是单一的屈服估计中,更细致的信息,例如每个集群的苹果数量分布。在这项工作中,我们将图像从图像计算为多类分类问题,并通过训练卷积神经网络来解决它。我们首先评估方法的每图像精度,并将其与基于四个测试数据集的高斯混合模型的最先进方法进行比较。即使针对每个数据集专门调整了基于高斯混合模型的方法的参数,但我们的网络在四分之三数据集中的三个数据集中的表现最高为94 \%精度。接下来,我们使用该方法来估计两个数据集的产量,我们为此提供了真理。我们的方法达到了96-97 \%精度。有关更多详细信息,请在此处查看我们的视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le0mb5p-syc} {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le0mb5p-syc。
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从单个视图图像重建以公制级别的人的3D姿势是一个几何上不成不良的问题。例如,我们不能从单个视图图像测量人对相机的确切距离,而无需额外的场景假设(例如,已知高度)。基于学习的基于学习方法通​​过重建3D构成来规避此问题。然而,有许多应用如虚拟遥读,机器人和增强现实,需要公制量表重建。在本文中,我们示出了与图像一起记录的音频信号,提供互补信息以重建人的度量3D姿势。关键识别是,作为横跨3D空间遍历的音频信号,它们与身体的交互提供有关身体姿势的度量信息。基于这种洞察力,我们介绍了一个称为姿势内核的时间不变传递函数 - 由身体姿势引起的音频信号的脉冲响应。姿势内核的主要属性是(1)其信封与3D姿势高度相关,(2)时间响应对应于到达时间,指示与麦克风的度量距离,(3)它是不变的场景几何配置。因此,它易于概括到看不见的场景。我们设计了一种多级3D CNN,其融合了音频和视觉信号,并学习以公制量表重建3D姿势。我们表明,我们的多模态方法在现实世界场景中产生了准确的公制重建,这是最先进的提升方法,包括参数网回归和深度回归。
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Being able to grasp objects is a fundamental component of most robotic manipulation systems. In this paper, we present a new approach to simultaneously reconstruct a mesh and a dense grasp quality map of an object from a depth image. At the core of our approach is a novel camera-centric object representation called the "object shell" which is composed of an observed "entry image" and a predicted "exit image". We present an image-to-image residual ConvNet architecture in which the object shell and a grasp-quality map are predicted as separate output channels. The main advantage of the shell representation and the corresponding neural network architecture, ShellGrasp-Net, is that the input-output pixel correspondences in the shell representation are explicitly represented in the architecture. We show that this coupling yields superior generalization capabilities for object reconstruction and accurate grasp quality estimation implicitly considering the object geometry. Our approach yields an efficient dense grasp quality map and an object geometry estimate in a single forward pass. Both of these outputs can be used in a wide range of robotic manipulation applications. With rigorous experimental validation, both in simulation and on a real setup, we show that our shell-based method can be used to generate precise grasps and the associated grasp quality with over 90% accuracy. Diverse grasps computed on shell reconstructions allow the robot to select and execute grasps in cluttered scenes with more than 93% success rate.
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Training of a Machine Learning model requires sufficient data. The sufficiency of the data is not always about the quantity, but about the relevancy and reduced redundancy. Data-generating processes create massive amounts of data. When used raw, such big data is causing much computational resource utilization. Instead of using the raw data, a proper Condensed Representation can be used instead. Combining K-means, a well-known clustering method, with some correction and refinement facilities a novel Condensed Representation method for Machine Learning applications is introduced. To present the novel method meaningfully and visually, synthetically generated data is employed. It has been shown that by using the condensed representation, instead of the raw data, acceptably accurate model training is possible.
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This work proposes a universal and adaptive second-order method for minimizing second-order smooth, convex functions. Our algorithm achieves $O(\sigma / \sqrt{T})$ convergence when the oracle feedback is stochastic with variance $\sigma^2$, and improves its convergence to $O( 1 / T^3)$ with deterministic oracles, where $T$ is the number of iterations. Our method also interpolates these rates without knowing the nature of the oracle apriori, which is enabled by a parameter-free adaptive step-size that is oblivious to the knowledge of smoothness modulus, variance bounds and the diameter of the constrained set. To our knowledge, this is the first universal algorithm with such global guarantees within the second-order optimization literature.
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